When we first launched, we started with only 4 poppers to start and ran a promotion for $50 where you got 4 bottles and you guys loved it. That was an awesome deal. So now about 3 months later we are now adding an additional 5 bottles that I know you guys will also love and enjoy. We have already posted them on our website, but they are not available to order until stocks arrive. We are excited to introduce brand names such as jungle juice, and also very much can’t wait to try Amnesia 420, yes that’s right I said Amnesia 420. There is also a bottle called RAVE which is another one I’m very excited to try myself. As far as the promotion be on the look out for it on our twitter page @poppersandpuffs for the latest updates and promotions. You don’t want to miss this promotion either. We expect to receive them by end of August.